The Year of Purpose

January 1, 2025

New Year.

For the first time ever, I’m leaving off the word ‘Happy’ in front of this salutation because I’m not. I’m still sad John isn’t here and I’m not going to mask my emotions by saying what everyone expects me to say today.

So, it’s just New Year.

I have no idea what this year will bring and to be honest, I’m somewhat fearful. I keep thinking, will it be as bad as last year? I’ve experienced death before but 2024, by far, was the worst one ever. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that can compare to the death of a child, especially when you lose your child to murder.

I take a deep breath, calm down and tell myself, “Stop thinking so negative, Shari. Let each day unfold, just like everyone else in the world has to do.”

That’s something both my mother and sister-mom would tell me. I think they both would be proud of me for even saying that let alone, listening to myself and doing it.

The new year also brings that “R” word… Resolutions. Resolutions like eating healthier, losing weight, quitting smoking, spending more time with family and managing stress. Did you know that the second Friday in January is known as “Quitter’s Day” because this is the day that many people abandon their resolutions?  I find that both funny and sad at the same time.  In just ten short days, millions of people go from running into the gym to walking right by it.

On December 17, 2024, I declared an early new year’s resolution which I will fulfill not only in 2025, but my entire life. This will be my year of turning pain into purpose and that begins with Mothers Of Murdered Columbus Children (MOMCC).

It’s so heartbreaking that my son had to lose his life in order for me to find purpose for mine but I’m ready. I know it won’t be easy, but I truly believe my hardest test will produce my greatest testimony.

The Journey Begins…


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