December 22, 2024
A couple weeks ago, I had my little buttercup (John’s daughter) spend the weekend at our house.
She’s so excited about Christmas and was telling me all the things she wants Santa to bring her. She asked what I wanted for Christmas.
I told her I wasn’t going to celebrate Christmas this year in that way. I’ll celebrate Jesus but I don’t want any presents, and I wasn’t putting up a tree.
Her eyes opened wide as she asked, “Why not, MiMi?”
“Because I miss your daddy and feel a little sad. I just don’t feel like celebrating Christmas this year.”
She looked at a picture of John sitting on my piano, gave me a hug and said, “MiMi, we have to celebrate Christmas, daddy’s still here. He’s all around us.”
She continued, “I’ll put up the Christmas tree for you and you can help if you want.”
My heart instantly melted.
I looked into her beautiful little eyes and thought to myself, I can’t take the joy of Christmas away from her just because I don’t have it in me. So, we made plans for her to come over this weekend to put up my tree.
In the meantime, I purchased a few presents especially for her and wrapped them before she came over so, they’ll be presents under the Christmas tree.
We played a little Christmas music (The Jackson 5 Christmas album, of course!) and she went to work, only asking for help when it was needed.
Afterwards, we drank hot chocolate sitting in front of the tree.
I love my little Buttercup.
“And a child shall lead them.” ~Isaiah 11:6

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