John’s Autopsy Report

November 21, 2024

The document I’ve been dreading to receive came in the mail today, John’s Autopsy Report

I can’t believe how many tears I’ve cried the past four months. My body must be working overtime to produce so many.

It took me 30 minutes to open the letter.

All I will say is I could only get past the first four lines, threw the letter on the table, ran to my bedroom, fell on the bed and cried.

“God how much more do You actually think I can bear?”

I laid on my bed and cried for three hours.

The more information I get, the more things change.

The detective said three shots.

The court reporter said five.

The autopsy states seven.

My son took seven shots when he did not deserve any!

I’m so sorry John.

I wish I could have saved you.


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