John Makes His Presence Known

August 9, 2024

*I’m a firm believer that our loved ones who pass away still speak to us from the other side. You just have to be open to receiving the messages they’re trying to send.

After my sister and her family caught their flight home, Ronnie and I decided to pick up some gyros from a local restaurant to take home for dinner. It had been a very long, emotional day so I didn’t feel like cooking and Ronnie didn’t want to eat leftovers. He was tired of fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and green beans.

As we were leaving the restaurant a silver truck jumped out in front of us and Ronnie slammed on his breaks. Ronnie blew his horn while saying a few choice words and continued to complain. The person in the truck stuck their arm out the window and started waving. Not in an angry way. Just a wave.

When I saw them waving, I immediately felt John’s presence and replied, “Hi John!” His energy was all around me and it was very strong.

Ronnie looked at me like I had lost my mind.

Now, let me explain. The truck that jumped out in front of us wasn’t just any truck. This was a Tesla Cybertruck. Tesla Cybertrucks look like military tanks and when they were released in 2023, John thought they were pretty cool. This truck wasn’t something I would ever drive but definitely something I could see John driving and taking great pride in because, he was a Military Man at heart.

The funny thing is, I had never seen a Tesla Cybertruck in person before, until this day.

Of all days. The day when I made my first appearance in court and saw John’s killer for the first time. The day when I tearfully used my voice to speak for my son. The day when I heard more devastating information about my son’s murder and was forced to think about the fear he faced that horrible day.

Yet, on this day, John popped up when I needed him most, with a wave to let me know he’s okay.

Yes, I believe our loved ones speak to us from the other side, so I excitedly told Ronnie, don’t be mad, that’s just John saying “Hi.”

A Tesla Cybertruck


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