November 25, 2024
We met with our prosecution team today, which includes two highly experienced female attorneys. They first gave their condolences and had so much compassion for us. I really like them.
We then began the meeting which was very emotional. So much information was given, I had to keep asking them to repeat what they said which they did in such a kind and respectful way.
Of course, I can’t share the details of our discussion, but I feel extremely confident they will get justice for John. They kept stressing they are hear for him and that’s what’s most important. They feel case is very strong. The only question is how much time will be served.
I told them we received John’s autopsy and know his injuries. They shook their heads and apologized with compassionate eyes.
The fact that the death penalty is not applicable in this case is acceptable to me because I am not in favor of the death penalty. The act of taking the life of someone who has taken the life of another has never been a right thing for me. Even though my son was killed, I still hold onto my belief. I want Miller the Killer to spend the rest of his life in prison, not only thinking about what he did to my son, but also his entire family. We have no choice but to live without him now.
They concluded the meeting by stating that they need to meet with the Defense to discuss the case together. They will schedule a follow-up meeting with us to provide an update after that has been done.
Justice for John.
I love you son.

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