Finding Support To Help Navigate My New Normal

September 11, 2024

I’m very grateful for those who have expressed their condolences and continue to check on me. There have also been many that don’t contact me at all.

I received a text from my niece apologizing for not reaching out to me.

I told her, “That’s okay.”

She went on to explain the reason why is because she doesn’t know what to say.

I thanked her for being honest and assured her I understood. “It’s a very difficult topic to approach.”

You see, death alone is hard to discuss. The loss of a child is even harder. But when your child dies as a result of murder, people really don’t know what to say.

They look at me awkwardly and some even look away.

I don’t take offense. People sometimes just don’t know what to say so rather than say something wrong, they don’t say anything at all and that’s okay. What I need is to find somewhere to go where there are parents just like me. Parents who understand the pain I feel and are able to talk about it without the awkwardness that comes along with this topic. At this point, it doesn’t have to be parents who have lost their child to murder. I just want to find somewhere that has parents who have lost a child, period.

No sooner had I thought this, than my prayer was answered.

I frequent the social media platform, X, and was invited by a wonderful, spunky, kindhearted woman named Kaye Steinsapir, to join her private Facebook Group called, Grieving Parents Leaning on Each Other. I joined the group and with my first post I have had such wonderful responses. These parents get it, and it feels so good to communicate with people who know and understand my pain.

Kaye tragically lost her 12-year-old daughter, Molly, due to a bicycle accident in February 2021. She understands my pain and lovingly donated to my GoFundMe which helped me lay John to rest.

This is my first step in reaching out to others for help as I continue to travel on my grief journey and this group is providing the support I desperately need.

If you’ve lost a child, I encourage you to join Grieving Parents Leaning on Each Other on Facebook. Everything shared in the group is strictly confidential.

Kaye has founded a non-profit organization in honor of her beautiful daughter Molly; The Molly Steinsapir Foundation. The Foundation’s purpose is to advance charitable causes that Molly cared deeply about including, among other things, children, animals, and the environment.

Donations are welcome

Kaye has founded a non-profit organization in honor of her beautiful daughter Molly; The Molly Steinsapir Foundation. The Foundation’s purpose is to advance charitable causes that Molly cared deeply about including, among other things, children, animals, and the environment.

Donations are welcome


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