Charges for ‘Miller the Killer’

August 5, 2024

Caroline called a little after 4pm. She said the phone call will be a brief update on the case status and then asked how I was doing. I told her it’s extremely difficult right now but we’re doing the best we can.

She then proceeded to tell me the charges for the offender have been updated from one count to six:

Count 1 – Murder

Count 2 – Murder

Count 3 – Felonious Assault

Count 4- Tampering with Evidence

Count 5 – Tampering with Evidence

Count 6 – Having Weapons while under disability

She then said the second arraignment for the killer will be on August 9, 2024, at 9am. My presence isn’t mandatory but if I wanted to attend and make a statement to the judge in regard to bond, I could do so, or I could send a written statement for the judge to read.

She said she also spoke with the other victim and gave them the same information.

I paused for a moment and then asked, “What other victim?”

She replied with the name, and I then asked, “The woman found in the car after my son was murdered?”

She said, “Yes, she was shot as well”

I quickly replied, “I understand she was shot once and released from the hospital, but you need to research this some more because she’s no victim.”

To which she said, “Oh really? Let me speak to the Prosecutors and call you back.”

I hung up the phone and thought to myself, “Ronnie and I are the only true victims here. This is just too much.”

Thirty minutes later the phone rang again. I answered and heard her say “This is Caroline. I spoke to the Prosecutors and that person’s status has now been changed from ‘victim’ to a ‘person of interest’”

“As it should be.”, is what I thought, but instead, said “thank you.”

I told her John’s funeral is going to be August 8th, but my husband and I will be at the arraignment on the 9th to make our statement to the judge. She offered her condolences again and requested us to arrive at 8am so she can go over any questions we may have and explain what we should expect to happen. She reassured me that she was here for us and will be by our side at the hearing and throughout the entire process.

I thanked her and ended the call.

After I hung up, I said to Ronnie “I can’t believe we have to bury our son in just three more days and then see his killer on the day after his funeral.”

I put my face in my hands and cried.

This is just so unfair.


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