Cemetery Visits

August 4, 2024

I took a well-needed break from gathering the pictures for John’s video tribute by going on a visit to look at the two cemeteries included in the funeral package I selected.

I joked with my sister and asked if she was tired of driving Miss Daisy around. She laughed and said, no, not yet.

The drive wasn’t very long but when we arrived at the first cemetery, I immediately knew it just wasn’t right. The headstones looked like a hodge podge of cement blocks all on top of each other. The winding gravel road which led to the plots kicked up dust all around the car and it just felt dirty. And creepy. I mean no disrespect to this cemetery or those who chose to have their loved ones buried there, but it was nothing like the beautiful, peaceful, and lush grounds of Glen Rest equipped with its own cremation garden.

The more we drove around the cemetery, the more my eyes, heart and spirit said no.

“Let’s take a look at the second one”, Cindy said as we were driving out, “hopefully that one will be better.”

The second cemetery just so happened to be directly across the street, and I was happy to see the entrance look more inviting than the first but the more she drove, the more my eyes, heart and spirit still said no. The entrance is fine, but the graveyard itself wasn’t much better than the one we just saw.

“I’m sorry, Cindy”, I said. “These two just are not it. I want John buried in a place which feels like peace and serenity. That’s what I always loved most about Glen Rest. I know Glen Rest is more expensive but that’s where John has to be.”

She emphatically shook her head yes and agreed.

“Decision made”, she said.

She then said she’ll add it to our “to do” list for tomorrow and call Glen Rest in the morning to schedule a visit to discuss plot availability and pricing.

God will provide.

He has to.

Time was running out and I had to get back home to compose John’s obituary to submit to the funeral home by tomorrow morning.

I have no idea what I’m going to write.


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