Author: Shari

  • MOMCC Community Service Award

    January 20,2025

    MOMCC is the recipient of the 2025 Martin Luther King Jr Community Service Award.

    This is one of the reasons why I was drawn to MOMCC. I wanted to find a place where I could not only experience a shared bond with mothers just like me, but also DO something positive in John’s memory so his death is not in vain.

    I found my tribe.

    Congratulations MOMCC!

  • MOMCC Sister Circle

    January 19, 2025

    After my first in person support group meeting with ‘Parents of Murdered Children’ last September, I decided to slow things down a bit by joining the Mothers Of Murdered Columbus Children private online Facebook Group in October. I’ve been getting to know many strong mothers just like me over the past few months and just found out they’re having the first MOMCC Sister Circle of 2025 in February.

    So, of course, I immediately submitted my registration and am looking forward to meeting everyone next month!

  • Decisions, Decisions

    January 15, 2025

    Today we met with our Prosecutor Team and our Victims Advocate, for an update on John’s murder case.

    I sat down at my kitchen table, logged onto my laptop fifteen minutes early, and nervously waited for the window to pop up, indicating the Prosecution Team and our Victim Advocate were ready to begin the online meeting. I preferred to meet as early as possible today, but we had to schedule at 4pm because that’s the time my husband, Ronnie, gets home from work. As I anxiously awaited the start of the meeting, I heard the garage door open and a few minutes later Ronnie entered the kitchen. I felt his energy enter the room before he did, and it was intense. His anger was palpable, thick enough to cut with a knife. Meetings with the Prosecutors always stir up a range of emotions within both of us so this could be the reason for his mood. Before I could ask how his day was, the Prosecutors’ faces popped up on my screen and the meeting began.

    The discussion started off with the usual pleasantries. They asked how we were doing and if we enjoyed our holiday. While I understand that is a question most people ask at this time of year, my answer was bluntly honest… horrible.

    How do they expect us to reply? John was murdered less than five months ago. This was the first Christmas without our son; the first Christmas John’s eight-year-old daughter would spend without her father, the first Christmas our daughter, Justice, would be without her big brother. Having to say Merry Christmas to a picture of my son, with tears streaming down our faces, was absolutely heartbreaking.

    I can’t go into details about the discussion or the case at this time. When it’s all over, I ‘ll be able to speak more freely. What I can say is, after the meeting between our prosecutors and the defense, we have a difficult decision to make.

    As the window on my laptop closed, Ronnie stood up from the table and walked away. I leaned back into my chair in a daze. A single tear slowly slid down my cheek and my heart began to race. I have no idea what to do.

    “What should we do?” I asked in my head.

    We’ll have to decide before speaking with our prosecution team at the next meeting.

    I asked again, this time aloud, with tears now streaming down my face, “What do we do?”

    A sudden calm came over me, and through my tears, I paused a moment and posed my question differently. This time, I directed it to the one who mattered the most and asked,

    “John, what do you want us to do?”

    “We are your voice now. I am listening and we will speak for you.”

  • Allies

    January 12, 2025

    I saw this anniversary post (below), from the nonprofit organization ‘What Would Marcus Do’ while visiting the MOMCC Facebook Page today. It both warmed my heart and broke it at the same time. Thankfully the killer of my son, is currently behind bars and awaiting trial but, sadly, this isn’t the case for many other Columbus families who have suffered the loss of a loved one from gun violence as is the case for Marcus Marquis Payne. Twenty-seven-year- old Marcus Payne was murdered on August 30, 2021, between the hours of 1:00am-3:00am near Neil Ave. and Buttles Ave in Columbus, Ohio.

    The murder of Marcus Payne still remains unsolved.

    Instead of being angry at the killer, the world and those who haven’t spoken up, Marcus’ family decided to turn their pain into purpose by creating the non-profit organization ‘What Would Marcus Do?” in his memory.

    Taken from the WWMD website:

    What Would Marcus Do is a movement. It’s not just a program or an initiative—it’s a call to action born from the lived experience of a young man who saw the cracks in his community and chose to fill them with hope, resilience, and opportunity.

    After visiting the website, all I could think is, “what an amazing example of turning pain into purpose!”

    This story moved me so much, I decided to become a monthly donor for this non-profit organization and join their movement.

    Please take a moment to visit their website to learn more about Marcus and this amazing organization by clicking the link below. Donate while you’re there!

    What Would Marcus Do

  • John’s Daughter Turns nine! Happy Birthday Buttercup

    January 14, 2025

    Celebrating the life of my beautiful granddaughter. Kammy, who turns 9 years old today and remembering her father who is no longer here to celebrate with us.

    I’m trying my best to hold it together, but this is hard.

    So hard.

    Tiffany, thank you for giving us a living piece of John’s legacy.

    Without the two of you, there would be no her.

    I’m so, so grateful.

  • From Grief 2 Hope

    January 9, 2025

    I just finished attending the first session of Grief 2 Hope and I’m so glad I signed up. I can already tell this is going to be extremely helpful as I navigate all these emotions that not only come from losing John, but in losing him in such a violent way. The founder, Hope Reger, and I share many similarities, including the fact that in 2016, her son, Justin, died from gun violence too at the age of 19.

    The intro session consisted of Hope providing a summary of what the program entails and letting us know active participation is optional. If you just want to sit and listen that’s totally fine. She told us to do whatever makes us feel most comfortable. It’s definitely a safe space to share your grief with others who understand exactly how you feel.

    At the end of the session, she gave examples of how Grief2Hope gave previous attendees the strength to do wonderful things in memory of the loved ones they’ve lost. Hearing what these participants are now doing to honor their loved ones is very inspiring.

    I think I’m really going to like this program and am looking forward to next week.

    While I can’t share specifics because the sessions are private, I can share the link and invite anyone who is experiencing grief to register for the upcoming sessions.

    If you or someone you know needs grief support, click the link below to register for the FREE Series GRIEF2HOPESUPPORT.COM

  • A Call from the Prosecution

    January 9, 2025

    I received a call from our Advocate, Caroline, to let me know our prosecution team met with the defense, so it’s time to schedule our follow up meeting.

    My heart always drops when I speak to Caroline, not because of her, but because I have no idea what to expect. Caroline has been so valuable to us. She not only helps us navigate this whole legal process, but she lends an understanding ear whenever I call with questions or concerns.

    When you’re dealing with something of this magnitude, it’s always nice to have someone not only in your corner but someone who can translate all the minutia being thrown at you at once.

    Our next meeting is scheduled for January 15th, which is one day after my granddaughter’s ninth birthday.

    So many emotions are running through me right now I don’t know what to do with myself.

    As I hung up the phone, I sighed and thought “I’m so glad the first session of the Grief2Hope series begins tonight.”

    I really need it.

  • Say Their Name Sunday

    January 5, 2025

    I promised John I will say his name forever, and I’m keeping that promise… forever

    John Leon Wilks

    FOREVER 28

    61st homicide of 2024

    Murdered July 28, 2024


    Offender arrested, in custody and awaiting trial


  • The Year of Purpose

    January 1, 2025

    New Year.

    For the first time ever, I’m leaving off the word ‘Happy’ in front of this salutation because I’m not. I’m still sad John isn’t here and I’m not going to mask my emotions by saying what everyone expects me to say today.

    So, it’s just New Year.

    I have no idea what this year will bring and to be honest, I’m somewhat fearful. I keep thinking, will it be as bad as last year? I’ve experienced death before but 2024, by far, was the worst one ever. There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that can compare to the death of a child, especially when you lose your child to murder.

    I take a deep breath, calm down and tell myself, “Stop thinking so negative, Shari. Let each day unfold, just like everyone else in the world has to do.”

    That’s something both my mother and sister-mom would tell me. I think they both would be proud of me for even saying that let alone, listening to myself and doing it.

    The new year also brings that “R” word… Resolutions. Resolutions like eating healthier, losing weight, quitting smoking, spending more time with family and managing stress. Did you know that the second Friday in January is known as “Quitter’s Day” because this is the day that many people abandon their resolutions?  I find that both funny and sad at the same time.  In just ten short days, millions of people go from running into the gym to walking right by it.

    On December 17, 2024, I declared an early new year’s resolution which I will fulfill not only in 2025, but my entire life. This will be my year of turning pain into purpose and that begins with Mothers Of Murdered Columbus Children (MOMCC).

    It’s so heartbreaking that my son had to lose his life in order for me to find purpose for mine but I’m ready. I know it won’t be easy, but I truly believe my hardest test will produce my greatest testimony.

    The Journey Begins…

  • John’s Grave Marker


    December 31, 2025

    Today, I received a picture of my John’s grave marker which will be installed in the Spring of 2025.

    Receiving this picture on the last day of 2024 sums up my year which has been the most excruciatingly painful and heartbreaking one I have ever experienced.

    I don’t know what 2025 will bring me, but I pray it will be full of healing and love as my John, in spirit, leads the way.

    I promise, your death will NOT be in vain.

    I L.O.V.E. you, son

    Always and Forever,


    #JusticeForJohn #stopgunviolence