A Text From Channel 4 News?

August 22, 2024

I received a text from NBC Channel 4 which took me by surprise. They covered the story of John’s murder, found out about our Candlelight Vigil and wanted more information as they were interested in attending. They also wanted to record it to appear on the news.

As previously stated, I’m a behind the scenes type person and don’t like being put in the spotlight, or speaking in public so, I wrestled with what to do.

My mind kept saying, “This is not you. You hate when attention is put on you and especially speaking in public” but my heart said, “This is not about you. This is for John. Remember, you are his voice now.”

My heart won.

I responded to their text with the Vigil information and let them know we would be arriving at Glen Rest Cemetery at 6:30pm. The vigil would begin at seven.

Nervous is an understatement to describe what I felt but like clockwork, my sister-mom would be flying in the day before the Vigil to attend and as usual, calm my nerves.


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