A Father’s Watchful Eye

September 18, 2024

It angers me to no end what has been taken from us, especially from my adorable granddaughter who has lost her father.

I saw this poem on my Facebook timeline, and it brought comfort to me.

While my granddaughter, Kammy, has the most amazing mom and I thank God for her every day, I have to remember John is always watching over his beautiful daughter no matter where he is.

A Father’s Watchful Eye

From heaven’s gate, I see you grow,

With every step, my heart does glow.

Though distance keeps us far apart,

You’re always here within my heart.

I watch you laugh, I see you cry,

In every tear, I’m standing by.

Your joys, your pains, I feel them too,

For every moment, I’m with you.

The stars at night, they shine so bright,

A father’s love, a guiding light.

In dreams, I whisper soft and clear,

“My darling girl, I’m always near.”

So live your life with courage bold,

And know my love will never fold.

From heaven’s height, I watch with pride,

My precious daughter, my heart’s guide.


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