Justice is Being Served

August 16, 2024

I made it out of bed today and ventured downstairs to the Living Room. I was sitting on my couch looking at the dust that had formed on my coffee table.

“I really need to clean my house” I thought and changed positions on the couch. I don’t feel like doing it today.

I then heard Ronnie answer his phone, followed by what seemed to be a detailed conversation.

Naturally, that piqued my curiosity, so I stood up and started walking toward the Family Room where he was, but he had ended the call and met me halfway as he was on his way to talk to me.

“Who was that on the phone?” I asked.

He smiled and said, “That was the Prosecutors office letting us know the person of interest has now been charged.”

“Oh really? Good.” I replied.

I want everyone related to this case to be held accountable for their actions, both seen and unseen.

I know it won’t bring John back.

I just want justice for my son.

The only true victim is him.


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