John’s Final Resting Place

August 5, 2024

Glen Rest Memorial Estate’s business hours were 9am-4pm Monday – Friday so Cindy called them as soon as the office opened. We knew Monday morning is usually the busiest day due to the weekend, so we were happy to hear a live voice on the other end picking up the phone.

Cindy explained our situation and asked if we could schedule an appointment today to discuss their pricing plans. They were happy to oblige and scheduled us for 10 am, which would give us time to make our decision before dropping off John’s clothes at the funeral home at noon.

We were also scheduled to meet with Sister Pam at First Church of God to go over John’s funeral program at 2pm and I still had to speak with my Prosecutors advocate this afternoon around four, so I was hoping everything would run on schedule so I wouldn’t miss her call.

The unexpected death of a child is already painful enough but when they’re murdered, I can’t even begin to explain the additional trauma involved with having to discuss their death from a legal/criminal perspective. It’s as if John is dying over and over again.

I can only say, while I have the greatest sister and family supporting me, God is definitely the one holding me up.

We headed to Glen Rest shortly after Cindy hung up the phone. I hadn’t visited my mother’s grave in quite some time so pulling up to the front gate and seeing the beautiful landscape was like a breath of fresh air.

We were greeted by the Office Manager and sat down across from her at the table. She expressed her condolences and asked what she could do to help us. I explained the sudden loss of my son and that his funeral is scheduled August 8th, so I needed pricing information for his plot. I also told her my family members are buried here, and I would like to have John buried near my mother.

She asked if insurance is involved with issuing payment.

“No” I said. “John didn’t have life insurance.”

She then explained pricing is determined by the grave location with the most expensive being at the front of the cemetery and the least expensive in the back.

“My mother is buried in the front, and since we’ll have to pay for this ourselves, that’s out of the question.” I replied.

The only option is the back, or at either one of two cemeteries included in the funeral package I selected. I know the latter are the best choice financially, considering our predicament, but I just can’t go with either one of them.

John being in the back of Glen Rest is better than him not being there at all, I thought.

I’ve always planned to be near my mom but since John will be in the back, I’ll be in the back with him.

What mother wouldn’t want that?

So the decision was made and my spirit said yes,

Glen Rest it is.

Glen Rest Memorial Estates- John’s Final Resting Place

We left Glen rest and dropped off John’s burial clothes to the funeral home. I let them know I decided to have John laid to rest at Glen Rest. The office clerk made a note of it and let me know John’s private viewing will be held at the funeral home on August 7th. She asked what time I preferred and I responded around 10am would be fine with me.

I stood there for a minute thinking, I finally get to see my son again. This will be the first time since he died but I’m so afraid to see him like this.

The reality of John’s death is really sinking in now.

As I was walking back to the car, I received a phone from Sister Pam at First Church of God apologizing because she has to cancel our appointment today and reschedule it for tomorrow at 11am. I let her know 11am is fine and I’ll see her then.

I guess it worked out for the best because my mind needs a break and now, I have more time to decompress before I speak to Caroline, my Victim Assistant/Advocate later today. She’s going to call to give me an update about the murder case for my son.

I have no idea what to expect.


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